Najma means ‘star’ in the Arabic language and can also be used as a girl’s name. We fell in love with it as we know the significance of the star symbol in Islam and also the importance of quality which a star resembles in the food industry.
Yes, we work closely with all our approved suppliers who are certified by various halal accreditation bodies. Our products are certified by the following Certifications Bodies:
The Halal Food Council of Europe (HFCE), Halal Certification Germany (HCG), Instituto Halal De Junta Islamica (Halal Institute of Spain) and Halal Professional Institute (Halal PI).
We follow the Islamic values of treating all animals with kindness and compassion. To ensure the welfare of the animals, we do use recoverable stunning prior to slaughter. This is in accordance to the specific rules set out by the Islamic faith and under supervision of our European Halal certifying bodies:
-The Halal Food Council of Europe (HFCE)
-Halal Certification Germany (HCG)
-Instituto Halal De Junta Islamica (Halal Institute of Spain)
-Halal Professional Institute (Halal PI)
We would love to hear from you! Please get in touch and email us: info@najmafoods.co.uk